We find it interesting to hear people discussing the mindsets that they adopt when in a business situation. After all, when you’re going into a meeting with a new client or perhaps a difficult business transaction, your mindset can really make all the difference. So, what kind of mindsets are there? You hear people talk about “mind over matter” and the importance of choosing the correct mindset, right? That’s all great but, honestly, how do we chose what mindset we will adopt if we don’t first understand not only what mindsets are available to us, but also how they are reflected in our work? You may be thinking, what benefits are there to this? That’s where we come in!
Have you heard the terms, “Growth Mindset” and “Fixed Mindset”? Okay, we know they were in the title of this blog, but seriously, had you heard of them previous to this post? We are actually pretty surprised to know that many people aren’t aware of the difference between the two. In case you are wondering (we know you’re on the edge of your seat), a growth mindset is really the one you want to shoot for. We have listed the definitions below so that you can take a look!


Growth Mindset: “Thrives on challenge and sees failure not as evidence of un-intelligence but as a heartening springboard for growth and for stretching our existing abilities.”

Fixed Mindset: “Assumes that our character, intelligence, and creative ability are static givens which we can’t change in any meaningful way.”


Thank you to Brain Pickings for these wonderful definitions! They have even more wonderful information available on their website.

It probably seems obvious why the growth mindset is more along the lines of what we consider to be the optimal mindset (especially in the business world). After all, failure is a part of what helps us learn and become the best we can possibly be. If you take a look at the great names in history, a great majority of them overcame several difficult obstacles and achieved great success due to what they learned from their “failures”. Let’s be honest thought, if our failures eventually help us succeed, they aren’t really failures at all. This is the idea around a growth mindset.

There are several wonderful illustrations out there that cover the differences between these two mindsets in a clear and helpful way. Below are some of our favorites!

Again, thanks to Brain Pickings for providing such a great illustration! We’re big fans!

Thanks to Brain Pickings for providing a great illustration! We’re big fans!

If you’re not totally convinced yet, take a look at the below benefits from adopting the growth mindset. Give this a try and let us know on social media which of the benefits you’re seeing in your own life!

Benefits from adopting the growth mindset:

  1. You’ll start to enjoy your life even more than usual (even if you’re not good at everything)
  2. Improved self esteem
  3. Improve your relationships
  4. Never feel stupid when learning something new
  5. Never stress about being perfect
  6. Be a more confident person
  7. A lowered risk of depression
  8. Less stress overall
  9. Improve your company and attract positive people

So, what’s the bottom line? Overall, if you’re looking hone your abilities and learn what works and what doesn’t, you’re on your way to success. When it comes to the business world, cultivating your abilities and accepting that becoming a master of your trade takes time will lead you down the path of success.

“The growth mindset is based on the belief that your basic qualities are things you can cultivate through your efforts. Although people may differ in every which way — in their initial talents and aptitudes, interests, or temperaments — everyone can change and grow through application and experience.”

If you ask us, this is not only a wonderful definition but also an inspiring and motivational way to look at your life and business efforts. After all, doesn’t working for your dreams make the final product so much sweeter? If you ask us, we’ll say “Heck yes” every time! Well, we may vary our answer sometimes but you can bet we’ll always tell you to open yourself and your mind up to the growth mindset!

Do people with this mindset believe that anyone can be anything? Do they think with this way of thinking you’ll no doubt become a famous and renowned genius? That’s a simple answer: no. However, they do believe that a person’s true potential is unknown (and will stay that way until you’ve reached it). When it comes down to it, it is impossible to foresee what can be accomplished with years of passion,hard work and the drive to learn even more each day of your life.

Finally, we’ll leave you with this illustration from “carriekepple.com” that we feel is the perfect reminder for you to print out and keep near your desk. When you wake up each morning and start your day, take a glance at this illustration and remind yourself that the possibilities are endless!

What kind of mindset do you have?

What changes do you think you’ll see by adopting this mindset?