Maybe you’ve heard your coworkers or loved ones talk about “mindfulness in the workplace” and maybe you’re new to the whole concept entirely. Either way, you’re here for a reason and we’re glad to have you. The concept of mindfulness is something that many businesses have begun adopting and implementing into their day to day operations. From the new intern in the office to the most seasoned executive, everyone can benefit from taking a little time each day to focus on entering into a mindful state.

We have found, however, that not everyone clearly understands what being mindful really means. Don’t worry, we’ve googled the term and listed the definition below just for you!

Mindfulness- a mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique.

Doesn’t than sounds appealing? Imagine taking on the world around you an empowering yourself to be a better (and calmer) worker. The truth is, mindfulness isn’t necessarily a difficult thing to achiever either. By honing your mindfulness abilities, whether that is through a technique such as meditation or any other tactic you choose, you become much more confident in your abilities and focused on the task at hand.

So, other than other than a overall sense of calm, what can mindfulness do for you? I think you’ll be impressed to know that it can make some serious changes to not only your mental state but also your physical well being. For instance, according to, studies have shown that scientists have seen a clear increase of activity in the brain which I think we can all agree sounds like the perfect solution for Business owners and/or managers who are looking to increase productivity and work performance. After all, more brain activity equals more results.

Scientists have also discovered that practicing mindfulness has aided in the efforts of individuals who suffer from Diabetes, eating disorders and other various phobias. There is also a strong correlation between mindfulness and the reduction of general anxiety within a person and insomnia. As you can see, choosing mindfulness helps you do more than become a better employee or business owner, it also shifts a good bit of your physical and mental health into a better position overall. Practicing this will open many doors to you in your personal and work life. If you take even just one step to becoming more of a mindful person, your boss, colleagues and loved ones are bound to see the difference! Not to mention, you’ll feel like a brand new person who is ready to take on anything that comes your way. If you ask us, this is never a bad thing to be feeling during an important meeting or business call. The more you work on mindfulness techniques, the stronger your brain gets and the better you feel.

In short, there are a lot of benefits to practicing mindfulness that you should really take advantage of. At the very least, your attention will go where it is supposed to stay and you’ll feel a sense of calm during your day to day activities (something that most of us could use more of). When it comes down to it, mindfulness makes you a better and more efficient worker and soon everyone around you will be noticing that this is the case. Most importantly, you’ll be empowering yourself as an individual and aiding your Company by spending your time and efforts wisely and efficiently. So, the benefits of mindfulness are physical and mental, but also move you down the path to a brighter future. Doesn’t that seem worth giving it a go? I think you know our answer.

Do you think mindfulness practices have a place in the workplace?
We’re curious to hear your thoughts on this and discuss with you some of the techniques that we use ourselves. For now, have a mindful week and remember to check back in with us for more blogs in the future.