10 Strategies to Help your Child Manage ADHD

The needs of a child or teen can overwhelm families and make home life chaotic — but they don’t have to. You can use strategies to influence and channel your child’s behavior and can use exercise, the natural environment, and possibly diet to alleviate any frustrations. And you don’t have to go it alone, either. Find out how to begin turning frustration and chaos into appreciation and enjoyment of your child or teen.

Understanding Them...
Understand your child like never before & get expert advice & tools to help.

Stop The Excuses...
Your child needs your acceptance and help, not excuses.

Avoid These Things...
While parents may often feel frustrated, avoiding these 10 things can make a difference.

Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder – ADHD/ADD may be difficult to parent. They may have trouble understanding important directions, BUT it’s important to remember that the child who is ignoring you, annoying you, or embarrassing you is not acting willfully. Having ADD/ADHD can be just as frustrating as dealing with someone who has it. We have written out 10 tips (…that WORK!) to help you tackle common challenges that don’t need to be challenges!