by YouTime Coaching | Jan 16, 2013 | Action, Anxiety, Arguments, Attitudes, Certainty, Confidence, Direction, Fear, Fighting, steps, Success
Chapter 2: The FightRecap from Chapter 1: “Intro to Fighting” & “The Approach”1. Arguing only has the POTENTIAL to cause negative outcomes2. The Approach is the most important aspect of the argument.3. The Approach...
by YouTime Coaching | Jul 22, 2012 | Action, Anxiety, Beliefs, Certainty, Direction, Doc Wayne, Human Needs, Jobs, Mindset, Results, Tony Robbins |
Remember when graduating from a College or University was a big deal for you and your family? A decade later a belief that getting a Master’s degree was the new undergraduate degree?And now, is getting a Doctorate the new norm? The point is, WE DO NOT...
by YouTime Coaching | Apr 18, 2012 | Action, Attitudes, Beliefs, Change, Failure, Motivation, Potential, Purpose, Results, Self-Esteem, Success
Are you programmed for success or failure? Lets get started:Phase 1: What are beliefs? How do we create our belief system?Lets begin with a simple definition of the word belief. For the purpose of how we will use the word, the definition of...