Remember when graduating from a College or University was a big deal for you and your family?
A decade later a belief that getting a Master’s degree was the new undergraduate degree?
And now, is getting a Doctorate the new norm?
The point is, WE DO NOT KNOW.
All of the assumptions about job certainty, salary, and the freedom to find enjoyable employment are up in the air with whatever degree you have. I was just forwarded the other day an article about how there is a massive increase in PhD level individuals that are receiving food stamps!
That screams uncertainty.
Last time I checked, “Certainty” was one of our 6 Humans Needs that we constantly try to fulfill.
When individuals, like you and I, do not have Certainty we have a higher tendency to be anxious, fearful, and stressed, which will very rarely help you find a job.
In the interview, notice how much focus is on Growth and Contribution for Becky. |
Today I want to share with you an great example of a success story.
Her name is Rebekah and she has a job she loves. Rebekah and I sat down for a wonderful interview about her search for meaningful employment, how tough it was, her mindset going into the experience, and what results she saw. ENJOY!
Keep this quote in mind as you read the interview with Becky:
“When you know somebody’s strategy, you can duplicate ANYTHING great that has ever been done”
– Tony Robbins, Peak Performance Strategist
YouTime: Becky, you graduated from Boston University with a Master’s degree in Counseling with a specialization in Sport Psychology, did you believe finding a job would be an easy task?
Becky: Well, while I was in school I thought it would be easy but as I started hearing from professors, advisers, and peers that finding a job in the Sport Psychology field was very tough and that you would need to develop your own niche, I began to think twice.
YouTime: So after getting some of that feedback, how did it affect your mindset and beliefs about finding employment after graduation?
Becky: It was important that I stayed positive but had to be realistic about what I was about to dive into. The realistic part allowed me to go outside of getting the “perfect job”. I started to think of different types of jobs that I would be willing to work at. In the end, this helped widen my scope of possibilities.
Seem all too familiar? |
YouTime: After you shifted your mindset and beliefs to being more positive and realistic, how did the job search actually play out?
Becky: It was a lot of work. I spent a lot of time connecting with the resources around me, friends, family, old colleagues, LinkedIn, and online job sites to find opportunities. I put in a lot of time doing searches, sending out materials, and following up.
YouTime: It sounds like you took a lot of action.
Becky: After school I was ready to move on to work and it definitely helped motivate me.
YouTime: So what kind of results did you see from the work you put in?
Becky: I had 5 interviews in 5 days and got a job within a month of graduating. I ultimately found the job on Craigslist.
YouTime: Those are some pretty impressive results! I am sure it felt great to have all your hard work pay off.
Becky: It definitely did. It was funny, I had to choose between a few different opportunities and decided to take a job I was supposedly “over-qualified” for and payed the least.
YouTime: What motivated you to make that decision?
Becky: When I went for the interview and found out more details about the job, which was a position in an all girls residential facility, I knew that I could help these kids without even meeting them. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it, but I knew a could contribute something great to their lives. It worked out great, this is how I connected with Doc Wayne and began working for them.
YouTime: Now you are the General Manager at the Doc Wayne Athletic League and have such an integral role in many youth’s lives. That must be very rewarding. Do you feel as though the role at Doc Wayne allows you to grow as an individual?
Becky: Before coming here I didn’t know my strengths as well and I didn’t have much self-confidence. I felt like I was just one person in a group of people with the same skills and strengths. Doc Wayne has helped me find my specialization in working with people and my strengths (once fears) of public speaking, working with trauma victims, and adolescent girls. When I was told I would be the “voice of the kids” the anxiety of public speaking left and I knew now that I had to advocate for them.
This is Becky, somebody who truly believes in their work.
What we can learn from Becky, her mindset, and experience is:
1. Your beliefs will directly impact your results
2. A massive amount of action must be taken
3. A shift in beliefs may be necessary to reach your outcome.
4. Look for something you enjoy, just because you are good at it doesn’t mean you will enjoy it.
5. Understand how it helps you grow and contribute outside of yourself.
- Neglect/Abuse Victims
- Under-served Kids
- Sexually Exploited and Trafficked Kids
- Impoverished Kids
- Mentally Ill kids
- Differently-Abled
- Truant Kids
Rebekah Conway Roulier, Ed.M. is the General Manager at the Doc Wayne Athletic League, Inc. a 501 (c)(3) and is responsible for sports programs and training of coaches in current and future markets, the enhancement of the organization’s do the good (DtG) therapeutic curriculum and management of the monitoring and evaluation systems. She comes to the Doc Wayne with an Ed.M. in Counseling with a Specialization in Sport Psychology and with extensive experience in coaching and work in youth services.
Rebekah has a B.A and Ed.M. from Boston University. Rebekah’s work with victims of complex trauma and underserved children includes experience in a residential treatment center, a position as an identity building consultant, and instructor for a positive psychology and sports program serving children and adolescents in the California juvenile justice system. She recently presented at The Northeast Atlantic Sport Psychology Conference (Philadelphia, PA) on “The Use of Sport in the Behavioral Health Treatment of Youth,” was a panelist on “Young Minds Behind Bars: The State of Mental Health Care within the Juvenile Justice System” sponsored by Wheelock College and presented on the ethics of sport at Moving Traditions Celebr8-U Conference.
This is one of my favorite blog posts of yours. So inspiring to anyone trying to find a new job that fits them. Pushing past the negativities and finding yourself along the way. Thanks Jon!!