Recently, I came across a TED talk video that featured a mother and father (Roberto D’Angelo and Francesca Fideli) who were happily married in 2002 and gave birth to their beautiful son, Mario, in 2011. For many parents, children are a continuation of themselves, their lives, their ancestry, their story. Parents truly feel as though they have produced a miracle and a thing of absolute beauty to be cherished for many years to come.
What happens when the same beauty, child, and miracle has a stroke?
Mario experienced what is known as a “Perinatal Stroke” at only 10 days of age. He was unable to control the left side of his body. While Mario lost some control in his newly formed life so did his parents while they were ambushed with a flood of emotions ranging from the feeling of failure, anxiety, depression, and confusion. What can a parent do in order to instill a sense of certainty, security, and safety?
Mario’s parents worked hard to help their child recover. They began a pilot program for Mirror Neuron Rehabilitation.
As D’Angelo explains, “The theory of mirror neuron says that, in your brain, as you watch me do this, you are activating exactly the same neurons as if you do the actions.”